Bird watching sites in Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve

Viewing tower near Wanzer

Location: in the Elbe-Aland lowlands directly on the green strip, around 2 km north of the village Aulosen. Numerous migratory birds including the greater white-fronted goose, the bean goose, the lapwing, the golden plover and the shoveller, rest on the oxbow lakes and on the flooded marsh areas in Wrechow Polder ...

Viewing tower at crane resting site near Havelberg

Location: in the lower Havel lowlands, around 6 km east of Havelberg. The tower is located in wetlands of international importance (RAMSAR). Here at these resting and overnight grounds, cranes can be observed in September and October.

Viewing tower between Havelberg and Jederitz

Location: directly along the road between Havelberg and Jederitz.  Birdwatchers can see numerous waterfowl in the winter months on the floodplain meadows of the Havel. Particularly in spring, thousands of ducks and geese rest in the Havel lowlands on their way to their northern breeding grounds.
Photo: Ingo Freihorst

Viewing tower near Neuschollene

Location: not far from the road between Schollene and Neuschollene. From the viewing tower you can get a good view of resting waterfowl on the Havel’s extensive flood meadows. In spring the nocturnal calls of many species of amphibian can be heard.

Gütschow bird watching site

Location: on the western banks of Schollener Lake, not far from the Schollene to Ferchel road. From this hill on Schollener Lake Nature Reserve you can view large areas of the lake and, with a little luck, watch osprey hunt.

Alte Elbe Berge Kannenberg bird watching site

Location: on the road between Berge and Kannenberg. The slightly elevated path along a former dyke at the edge of the nature reserve “Alte Elbe zwischen Berge und Kannenberg” offers good possibilities of watching bird life on the marshes and bayous.

Alte Elbe viewing tower near Jerichow

Location: south of the town of Jerichow directly on the road to Klietznick. The viewing tower, located on the south-eastern edge of the nature reserve and the 2.5 km nature trail along the Alte Elbe offer good opportunities to experience the nature and landscape of the Elbe valley floodplain.

Bölsdorfer Haken viewing tower

Location: approx. 1 km north of the village of Buch. The viewing town on the western edge of the nature reserve “Bucher Brack-Bölsdorfer Haken” offers a view of the “Bölsdorfer Haken”, a dead channel of the Elbe where many waterfowl go throughout the year.

Kliekener Aue viewing tower

Location: between the A9 motorway (Coswig exit) and Rosslau, south of Klieken.  Along the “Kliekener Aue” floodplain trail there are two viewing towers which offer views over the Alte Elbe from two different points. This body of water plays a major role year-round as a habitat and feeding ground for waterfowl. It is particularly interesting as a resting and wintering ground for various species of ducks and mergus.

High banks of the Elbe between Coswig and Griebo

Location: directly south of the Coswig to Griebo road. From the high bank there are wonderful views of the Elbe valley with the strongly meandering course of the river, the floodplain forests in the Teufelshorn area and floodplain meadows.

Kühnauer Floodplain viewing tower

Location: north of the village Grosskühnau (City of Dessau) along the Kühnauer See floodplain trail. From the tower you get a view of the typical Elbe floodplain with its meadows and forests. Nearby Kühnauer Lake is a resting and wintering ground for waterfowl.

Neolith-Teich viewpoint

Location: on the northwest side of Neolith-Teich between Trebbichau and Mennewitz. Neolith-Teich is one of the most important migratory, resting and wintering grounds on the biosphere reserve. Up to 40,000 bean geese and greater white-fronted geese spend the night here from September to December, including rare guests like the pink footed goose. This area is also of interest as a breeding lake for the red-necked grebe and the shoveller.

The interactive map on our website gives you an overview of where the viewing towers are located.

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