Beaver kids on Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve
Many rare and unusual animals and plant live on the biosphere reserve. You can learn about some of these during the Beaver Kids Game. At the same time, you can test your knowledge and become an official Beaver Kid. Good luck!
Does the world look a lot different to you in your imagination? Here you’ll find a picture that you can colour in however you want.
Just a little tip: In order to run the Beaver Kids Game on your computer, you will need Flash Player. You can download Flash Player from this website: www.macromedia.com. Maybe your parents can help you install it.
Junior Ranger Programmes can now be found all over Germany. Here kids that are interested in nature can become real life Junior Rangers. Click here to go to the national Junior Ranger’s website.
The first “Explorers’ Camp” for Junior Rangers !!!
For more about the partnership between the German Junior Rangers and the American Junior Rangers go to
Hi kids, a small delegation of our Junior Rangers went to the national Junior Ranger meeting at Hainich National Park.
More information at